Hmm, it might seem that there is not much that needs to be said to introduce Tyler Chorlton. Our family member Tyler Chorlton is an awesome powder rider with his own style. That’s what we all know and since he was a child he always escaped and shreded some powder, instead of training in the halfpipe. With a lot of years of snowboarding behind and more to come, I think I never heard anything bad being said about him, everyone is spreading just positive words. Before this interview I tried to dig up some dirt about him but it was a mission unsuccessful… So we talked a little bit about Tyler, but mostly about our ATP a.k.a.
Make sure you check out Tyler´s full part from The
S: Hi Tyler! How was your day so far?
T: Really good thank you!! I just got back from Horsefeathers and Bataleon/Switchback sales meeting and had the best time but great to get home and relax!
S: Yep, can imagine. Are you back in Andorra or somewhere else?
T: Yes I’m back in Andorra now, here for about a month to do some elbow carve/freestyle camps with my local park.
S: What are snow conditions there right now?
T: We have some snow here in Andorra these days but not really enough to get everything open just the tops of the resorts have a decent base. But snow is on its way in the forecast so fingers crossed for nipple deep turns very soon!
S: I am sure you are not gonna ride only in Andorra, how your season should look like?
T: My season’s plans are to film again with RustyToothbrush around Europe, Japan and Canada. And hold a few elbows and edges camps throughout the winter to teach people how to do my magic.

S: You mentioned Horsefeathers sales meeting, how did your journey with the brand begin? I think most people don’t know much about it…
T: The journey with Horsefeathers started with meeting Hanuš at ISPO 6 years ago and we hit it off straight away, it was a brand that had the philosophy and spirit I was looking for. Still owned and operated by two snowboarders.

S: Well, I can just agree, because it’s something that we don’t see much anymore… Also beer, we love beer, do you?
T: Hehe I actually very rarely drink alcohol, my health is very important to me and my performance.
S: I can just write “welcome in the club” and move to our talk about ATP line. You were already in the family when you started to participate on ATP line, right? Is there any special story behind?
T: So the ATP line for me was like the cherry on the cake of when I joined Horsefeathers, I don’t think there is something special behind, they wanted me to represent the top range backcountry line and help test, develop and give my input. And that’s exactly the kind of thing I was looking for.

S: It’s like 3-4 years since you started to work with us on ATP line?
T: Yes, now we are on the 4th collection of the
S: Is there something what are you really proud about? Something you discovered or brought in during these years?
T: It’s not really one thing, in particular, to be honest, it’s all the tiny little adjustments we have been making over the past years and the testing/introductions of different fabrics that really make a difference I think. I’m just stoked that the design team listen to everything I have to say and after testing the equipment out in the backcountry.

S: All right, let’s say I am a layman in this part of snowboarding and even I can read all features online, it doesn’t ring a bell for me much and because I am sure there is never be enough powder for you, describe me the line as a powder addict.
T: Yeah you can never get enough pow!! And while you’re out there seeking the pow sometimes the conditions can get harsh so you need highest quality equipment and materials to stay warm and functional. That’s what we offer with the ATP line, the best we can get our hands on and properly put to the test in my video parts.
S: I am not sure how much we can say about the next collection already, but maybe I can at least ask if there is something special, that‘s goning to let us dream about riding the powder in ATP line even more?
T: There are a lot of things to come next year, but I would not talk about it right now, you will see. But I am sure that you will love all those little tweaks coming!
S: What about girls? Thinking about something for us too?
T: Again, I cannot say too much but yes, there is gonna be something for you too. I am really hyped how it came out and stoked to help get the girl squad out to the backcountry!
S: Good to know! Is there something more I maybe didn’t mention about ATP line and you feel you can share it with us?
T: Maybe just that I am really stoked about this year collection. Nighthawk Jacket is awesome, well overall, everything worked out perfectly I think and I hope that those of you riding this line agree with me!

S: Thank you for this small talk Tyler and just one thing in the end, totally off topic haha: I heard you can speak French, is that true?
T: Yes I am fluent in French, all my education was in France and finished in Andorra in a French-speaking school where all the youngsters spoke Spanish to each other so I picked up Spanish too. And after being co-owner in 2 snowboard shops over 11 years my Spanish isn’t too bad either!
Tyler´s selected colorways of Addicted to Powder line

Ok it´s dumping outside so grab your new gear and go enjoy the powder days! Go Riding!
Interview with Tyler Chorlton by Sara Belova