Maxim Habanec – a name that was able to cross the borders of his native country and take on the skateboarding world. The name that is associated with skateboarding and currently with the Youtube media channel. Max, how do you introduce yourself to those who don’t know skateboarding that well and hear your name for the first time?
My name is Maxim Habanec, I’m 27 and my whole life revolves around skateboarding.

Before we get to your new Horsefeathers collection, tell us quickly about your skateboard life? The begining, vital moments and what are you doing right now?
Wow, that’s a pretty challenging task. I have been riding for about 20 years and skateboarding has always been a major part of my life. The whole thing just started as a fun thing to do and somehow in my mysterious way it moved to a pretty profesional level, which I did not plan so much. And all the other things that I’m interested in and enjoying them, somehow are connected now with skateboarding, whether it’s travel or filming.
The Maxspace project is a centre in itself, but what is the purpose and the goal of the project?
The point is that riders, who are already on a level, have a place to go, whatever the weather is. It’s just a base for us.

Maxim Habanec and Youtube channel. When did the first idea come to create videos for people?
The whole thing started with the Skate of Mind project, when I realized that people simply enjoy content full of skateboarding and things around it. In addition, I started to entertain myself to shoot and create videos myself and took it as a challenge. I like the way the content can spread freely on the internet and that’s why YT was a much better for me than for example TV production.
You have a pretty good base of followers, which is of course a commitment to create more and more interesting videos for them. Do you invent the theme of the videos yourself or do you have a team around you that helps you?
Everything is dealt with on the fly, we usually just shoot the actual stuff we enjoy and plus a few regular concepts like Game of Skate, Fail Review or board tests. As for the themes, style of the cut, and so on, I do it all. However, David Panek started to help me with the shooting. The goal is to slightly increase the number and regularity of videos.

You have traveled almost the whole World so far but tell us, what is the place you haven’t been yet and would like to go? Do you travel with a skateboard or just as a tourist.
Because I always travel for skateboarding, I only go to big cities. I’d like to do more in nature, in the mountains and so on. I hope there will be more time in the future when I can go like a basic tourist, but I guess I’ll have my skate always with me. I think.
We get to your new Horsefeathers Skate & Create Signature line collection. At first I would like to know where the idea, create the black collection with red details came from? This color combination is accompanied though-out almost your entire collection. Are they your favorite colors or is there any higher intention?
I always enjoyed the red details on the clothes and black is always the first thing I choose on a skateboard. So I would rather call it a favorite color combination for every day.

I like the main design on the skateboard or on the back of the sweatshirt. Why did you choose this?
I don’t know why, but I just love the prints on the back. I think it’s cool for some reason and combine it with design of skateboard is ideal. Especially when the format fits that well.
How much did you get involved in creating this collection?
It’s always pretty fast, but I try to be involved as much as possible. I’m very happy about this year’s t-shirts cuts. We extended them a little and now they really fit! I can have 20 of the same t-shirts now and I know that they will suit me the best and do not have to wear one favorite until they are torn.

Tell us your biggest favorite from this year’s combo? You can choose from anorak jacket, sweatshirt, t-shirts with short and long sleeve, chino pants, boardshort, belt from your broken boards and skate deck.
Definitely pants! I practically do not wear anything else for riding now. It is great as the style met with functionality. They are simply pants that you can take anywhere and then go straight to the skateboard.
A lot of products or projects have already been created under your name. Do you have something in your mind that you really want to have like your signature product next? But it’s just the dream realm?
Shoes! :)
Thank you Max for your time and for the interview.

Horsefeathers X Max Habanec Skate & Create Signature line revolving around Max’s own skate philosophy and his affinity for black color, the collection is positioned on the fine line where style meets functionality. This is quite visible on the all black Chip Max anorak jacket, or on the
This is Max’s way. We hope it inspires you to find yours. Skate and create!