The connection between skateboarding and creativity is what you will find in Max´s collection. The freedom of skateboarding and creativity is challenging and coming up with new places and new ways to ride it in everyday life. We got inspired by creativity and built a special obstacle for the tour, which happened when we visited Ceske Budejovice, right in front of local Peace board store, Prague – Max´s home resort –Red Bull Maxspace and Snowboard Zezula in Brno.

And so what did we build? It was a pretty simple wallride with a fixed rack where Maxim´s signature products were hung. We were able to place this wallride on any kind of miniramp, or to a wooden pool in Maxspace. The challenge for all skaters was to ride up to the wallride, catch any product you choose and stomp it. It looked easy man, but the products hung at a height of about 4 meters, so it wasn´t as easy as it looks. But the motivation was high! You could take home for example; Maxim´s jacket Chip, jeho Create skate deck, Create hoodie or any of Maxim´s signature T-shirts

Right from the beginning, our tour has started with an awesome atmosphere in Peace Board Store at Ceske Budejovice, where we met a lot of young kids. They were so stoked about Max´s presence that he was buried with tons of questions and signing sessions for a long time. Older riders, however, hit the contest in Budejovice, but with the greater enthusiasm they threw themselves for Max’s collection. Maxim´s cameraman Bob, joined here for the session as well. But his journey to Bowie´s pants was a little more painful. But everything went well, no injuries, everyone was satisfied and the whole session ended up with a trip to the local skatepark, where the riding contiuned.

The day after, with another stop ahead of us. We were on the road to Prague – Maxim´s home resort Red Bull Maxspace. Even a bunch of kids arrived here, but in comparison with the South Bohemian stop, they were much more involved in riding. The session was preceded by training with others who came to Maxspace to enjoy a great skateboarding day. This space is perfect and I guess every city could be jealous about it. When the first rider hit the spot, the session could start and it was one hell of a session. We were witnesses of many crazy attempts to take one of the prizes and some attempts for rock to fakie on the top of our wallride – crazy! So yeah this session was on fire during the whole time and I think everyone enjoyed it as much as possible. We even ended up with a nice grill sesh at the end of the day.
But, as it happend everytime, when you´re having a great time, something always come up. We got the phone call that the next stop in Brno has to be delayed because of a really bad forecast, which predicted just plus 8 degrees and heavy rain. Well, we can´t command the weather, so with the Snowboard Zezula summer opening, which our session with Max was part of it was moved for 14 days time.

But man, we weren´t even lucky with that new date. One day before, the same forecast, just worse than 8 degrees, it was– 15°C. Ok, we couldn’t change the date again, so we had to make it. And so the guys from Snowboard Zezula prepared a big tent, where they could place a mini ramp with our wallride extender and they even managed to find lots´of other tents for the viewers. There were dj´s sets, some refreshments and everything could start like there wasn´t any rain. BIG UP to you guys!!

But the bad news was not over yet, One very unpleasant news came with the rain. During the preparation, Max had a crash on the highway, on the way from Prague and that he didn´t know when he would arrive. It was crazy, but fortunately everyone was okay and Max could arrive late but with the team in one piece and pleasantly entertained by the interest of the local fans, who even immediately after the arrival of Max were demanded his signature.

What surprised us all a lot and we are sending big props to Brno, is that so many people arrived for the session, despite the unpleasant weather. With plenty of riders and spectators, there was also a great desire to get something new for their wardrobe. The scramble started, which was not easy in the wet weather. They slipped, it hurt, many riders failed, but the mood was exactly what we wanted. The enthusiasm for riding was felt in the air and gradually the guys went for more and more pieces from Max´s Horsefeathers Skate & Create Signature Line.
We are glad that you have come to us, both in Ceske Budejovice, Prague and in the rainy Brno, it was blast to spend time with you and we are happy that you enjoyed the Horsefeathers Skate & Create Session with Maxim Habanec. We´ll definitely do something for you again!
Ceske Budejovice – Photo: Jan Salcer

Prague – Photo: Peter Mercell

Brno – Photo: Radek Mauer