Beginning of May, most of the ski resorts were already closed but we still did not have enough of the snow. That´s why we started to search for the best May conditions and ended up in Kaunertal, Austria, that was the final decision. We quickly packed our boards and splitboards and headed to the mountains.

The country around Kaunertal made it appear that there was any winter left. But that had changed as soon as our van managed to climb up the steep serpentines towards the Kaunertal glacier. With lots of snow and sunshine, we were lucky.
On the first day, we decided to hit the slopes, explore the area and finished it with some cold Austrian Weissbiers.
Half empty slopes allowed us to enjoy riding and goofying around as the girls on a girl’s trip should, the powder hunting on splitboards was still on our minds though and we were searching for some cool freeride spots.

As soon as the ski resort announced closing time, we exhanged snowboards for skateboards and tried to conquer the serpentines on the way down on four wheels. Pretty easy after all of those Weissbeers. Fortunately no crashes happened and we ended up the day with wellness, more beers and the classic snowboard trip dinner menu - spaghetti.

The weather was supposed to be unpleasant the next day. Luckily, not all the predictions are becoming a reality and it was nice and sunny, so we took the splitboards and went for the last powder chase of the season. And we found it! Moreover, with some amazing panoramic views, we could not have wished for a better end to the season. All three of us got sunburnt but it was totally worth it!

With love, Renca, Kater,