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Horsefeathers HEI days

27/6/2023 | Horsefeathers bike Stories

Horsefeathers HEI days

Most people perceive Horsefeathers as a winter, snowboarding brand. But loyal fans remember that we played a crucial role in shaping the MTB/Freeride/Slopestyle community in the Czech Republic. Events such as Kozzy Style or Secret Session together with the names of riders such as Gaspi, Leader or Michal Matys belong to the key concepts of the Czech scene. We reminisced about all this last year in the Horsefeathers blog - back in the saddle. Since then, we've been pedaling hard and hitting the trail at full speed, with many great bikers joining us. We want to introduce you to what and who is a Horsefeathers bike in 2023 in the Horsefeathers HEI days BTS video from our spring bike shooting.


30/5/2022 | Horsefeathers / Renča Stories


Have you ever wondered what our riders and ambassadors looked like as kids? The upcoming International Children's Day was a great opportunity to see these photos. So they browsed into old family albums and found the following gems there. We thank them for that and voilà, here is a collection of photos of famous riders and ambassadors at a time when they were still pulling a duck behind them. Enjoy!

Horsefeathers - back in the saddle / Part 1: History

4/5/2022 | Horsefeathers / Renata Stories

Horsefeathers - back in the saddle / Part 1: History

Most people perceive Horsefeathers as a winter, snowboarding brand. But loyal fans remember that we played a crucial role in shaping the MTB / Freeride / Slopestyle community in the Czech Republic. Events such as Kozzy Style or Secret Session together with the names of riders such as Gaspi, Leader or Michal Matys belong to the key concepts of the Czech scene. Mountains are our office and we spend most of our time there, even during the summer. We found out that among a lot of people from our office crew and even among our winter riders there are many bikers of different styles and that's why we decided to continue our long-term bike tradition and return the technical bike apparel to our spring collection. But more about that later. First, let's remember a little together.

Girl Squad trip Bali

11/5/2020 | Girl Squad / Renata Stories

Girl Squad trip Bali

The destination of our last Girl Squad trip was Bali. Indonesian island located on the opposite hemisphere of the Earth about 20 hours' flight and four to ten on-board mini wine bottles away. But why did we went there? We came here for a GirlSquad trip to enjoy nature, ocean, monkeys, waves, and everything in between. So, come on with us, and let's have fun!

Naše nová kolekce Jaro/Léto 2020 žije díky vám!

27/4/2020 | Horsefeathers Stories

Naše nová kolekce Jaro/Léto 2020 žije díky vám!

Na každou novou kolekci se mega těšíme. V den, kdy ji zveřejníme, netrpělivě čekáme na vaše reakce a měsíce naší práce se mění v reálné pocity. Vidíme, co vás baví a samozřejmě i co ne. A to je pro nás ta největší odměna. Poslední týdny ale žijeme ve zvláštní, nelehké době, která přišla právě ve chvíli dropu naší nové kolekce Jaro/Léto 2020. Cítili jsme velké zklamání, že tato kolekce takzvaně vyšumí. Zklamání se ale naštěstí rychle změnilo v překvapení. Díky! Naše nová kolekce žije jen díky vám!

Girls Squad Snowboard Trip

11/3/2020 | Horsefeathers/ Renata Stories

Girls Squad Snowboard Trip

Girls got their own rules, own ways and own adventures. Let us take you to one of them. We hit the slopes, chased the last of powder, drank some beers, sang Spice Girls songs and rocked that trip as the proper girl’s squad should. Check it out!

Horsefeathers Kids Snowboard Tour -  Project Kaprun

10/3/2020 | Matej Novotny Stories

Horsefeathers Kids Snowboard Tour - Project Kaprun

We took the five best riders of this season´s Horsefeathers Kids snowboard tour to amazing snowboard camp organised by Czech Snowboard school at Kaprun glacier – Project Kaprun.

My favourite Color is Beer

17/7/2019 | Horsefeathers Stories

My favourite Color is Beer

The Beer Inspired collection is also missing this year. The new designs again include our next favorite message. What is this year? My Favourite Color is Beer!


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